Why is it hard to live in the present?

Do you have a hard time living in the present too??

Sometimes you cannot let go of the past

Sometimes future is fully endless worry


yes, I also do… but I just keep in mind that being present is attending to the here and now, what’s in front of me, it is what’s existing and it is what needs attention… we learn from the past and we prepare or look forward for the future… :sunflower:


Don’t even want to look into the present nor the future. Looking at my past. All I’d feel is regret. Sometimes I just don’t even want to wake up.

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Me too. Nostalgia doesn’t feel good any more.


Living in the present isn’t always easy for everyone. It’s relatively normal to have things in our past that we regret, and to be anxious about things in our future. So the goal isn’t really to ignore or forget these things but to actually listen to them more and be productive about it. So if you’re thinking too much about the past, you need to learn from those experiences and use those learnings to improve your present. And if you’re focused too much on the future, you need to figure out what you’re anxious about and work on it in the present so that future doesn’t come to pass.

While regretting some things in the past and being anxious about some things in the future are relatively normal, too much of it is obviously a bad thing. And if you’re struggling with one or the other, it would be a good idea to talk to a professional about it.


Kapit lang…andito lang kame… :mending_heart:


I try to keep with me the happy memories lang… :mending_heart: