Moms day coming up this May 12, 2024 Sunday and I noticed for the past years that whenever I give her something, she doesn’t use them… or any promotion for moms day you guys know? What do you plan to give your mom?
We usually eat out during mother’s day. My mom likes bag so, that’s the usual gift I gave her when she was still alive. She passed away three years ago.
As for me, I want salon treats like foot spa, pedicure, hair and facial treatment
Hmm, date or go out with her, normally eating out. But she also loves gifts and flowers.
Happy Moms Day to you @Joda68
… for your mom
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms today…
Happy Mothers Day, Doc Glow
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers…
Wow the video is heartwarming. Happy mother’s day Doc Glow. Everyday, we celebrate you!
oh same even though she was the one who chose it she doesn’t use them… so I don’t know anymore I gave her bills she looks more happy with that.
… the struggle is real from both ends for me…
Happy Global Parents Day June 1, 2024!