Is it normal to have frequent thoughts about breakup?

It’s been happening for the past couple of months, Thoughts seems to be overconsuming me. It’s seems that I’m craving for freedom so much.
Light argument with my partner causes me to overthink so much about our relationship. It’s seems like we don’t understand each other causing emotional & spiritual distance to each other. Holiday is coming, I don’t want to cause so much suffering to my partner ;(


Overthinking will not help… Know what you want and if you guys still want this kind of relationship… If you’re for each other then make it work… :mending_heart: you have a choice she has a choice… No one is supposed to feel na “nasasakal”… you guys must be growing within the relationship and if otherwise is happening, then baka may need ayusin sa relasyon nyo…

What do we mean to each other

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halaaaaa same huhuhuhu is it bad na mag isip ng ganto?


Is it bad? In it of itself, no. But @Glow_PhD_RPsy is right when she says that overthinking will not help. If you’re thinking about breaking up, you have to entertain that thought instead of pushing it away. Hindi naman sa gusto mong mag break up, but you have to consider the ff:

  1. are there reasons to break-up? (ie not getting what you need/want from your partner, cheating, not feeling the same about your partner anymore, etc)

  2. are there reasons to stay in the relationship? (ie are you still getting what you want out of it, is staying a net positive for you, etc)

  3. which one outweighs the other; #1 or #2?

After you’ve reflected on this, I would still say it’s important to be able to talk to your partner about it. See if they feel the same or if there’s anything either of you can do to improve the relationship.

Don’t be stuck in a relationship you don’t actually want. Either fix the relationship you’re in to be able to make it the relationship you want, or find someone else who has a better chance for both of you to make the relationship you want.