How did you recognize you were experiencing burnout? Are there any useful tips you can share?

How did you recognize you were experiencing burnout? Are there any useful tips you can share?

I realized I was experiencing burn out when the usual things that are usually fun for me, just don’t seem fun anymore and/or when my body is really forcing me to take a rest. Either I’m too tired to function or I’m always sleepy or worst, I’m sick.

I guess what really helped me was accepting that I was burned out and that I needed help. So, I asked for it. From my team. From the people around me.

It also helped me when I stopped judging myself. Those thoughts of “Oh, I should be doing this instead” or “Why am I not productive?”. I started to ignore them and started to apply a whole lot of self-compassion to my journey.

Listening to my body and what she needs is also helpful for me. If my body is telling me to rest, to relax, to recharge. That’s what I do. No judgment. No expectations. I just let her be.

Self-care is really helpful, too. I go out of my work laptop and walk outside for a bit. Meditation is very helpful. Connecting with people is helpful, too.

Hope this helps!