It’s a new year, I know most of us have our new year’s resolution, but I still think that habits have greater power. The habits you build today, no matter how small, could make a big difference in the long run. With that, I begun to track my habits (even the bad ones) and try to be as consistent as possible in keeping the good ones. It works for me. So how about you, what’s your own take on the ‘new year, new me’ trend?
As simples as: continue (1) drinking water first everyday when I wake up and (2) no CP for the first 2 (or more) hours when I wake up
Thank you so much! I’ll take note of these, these are all good habits.
You may also want to build a habit of (1) journaling before going to bed, (2) reading everyday, (3) making the bed, (4) practicing gratitude.
Try to read books more rather than browsing on the SNS. I tried this a lot of times, and it keeps me entertained.