Ever get that sinking feeling of anxiety?

Ever get that sinking feeling of anxiety and can’t pinpoint why? It happens to the best of us!

What has been your response when you experience this? Are there any coping methods or activities that work for you in managing anxiety?

Hi! Lately I’ve been feeling this way. But for me it’s not totally unknown why. It’s more like a combination of small things that are too trivial I can’t admit to myself they bother me. If you get what I mean haha. It’s like I’m being in denial that small things bother me a lot. What I usually do is write every little thing that makes me feel weird at the moment. I try to list everything I can think of. Then I acknowledge that what I feel at the moment is valid even how small the reasons are. I also talk to someone (if I can). It helps somehow, the sinking feeling fades eventually. Hope this helps you too.