Try to spend your special day with your family/loved ones…please don’t isolate yourself…you can visit churches like Pink Sisters, Blue Sisters, Mt Carmel or Mary the Queen… Join a legit organization on your advocacy… Or book a session with us in Mind You… Advance Happy Birthday! It’s supposed to be the most celebrated day of your life with or without money at all…
Join events like charity, marathon, tree-planting. Or visit an orphanage and spend time with the kids who thrive despite having no parents. Or visit an elderly home - ask about life, ask how they did it through life.
You can go solo but, in a crowd - go to the gym, go to a theater, go to a bar with drag queens (it’s not only for the LGBTQ+ but for everyone, you’ll have fun, i swear. don’t drink too much)
Happy birthday! Wishing you happiness all year long. I hope you prosper and stay blessed and a blessing to the people around you. I pray that you stay healthy and nothing shall harm you, your heart and your soul. Enjoy, STiKK!