Are friends different with romantic relationship?
Yes, I had experienced to have a conversation with a man who used to be my support for two years. It’s the first time someone invested time for me for so long. I had share everything about myself. There is a point that I had been awkward to see him in person which the time he asks me why and I told him, “Attached with him”, that’s the time I fall harder with him. He right away told that our label was “friends nothing more nothing less”. At first, I don’t give malice even we communicate up to 3am. After he knows what I felt about him, we still communicate, but I was the first to chat him as always. I ask him anything to start the conversation. I was so blind about him. At the time he asks me for lunch, I thought there was a chance for us, but it was not. He will introduce to me his girlfriend. My own decision first was to go and I’m thankful to my friend who stops me to go. It’s been months but still I can’t move on to the reality that he is in relationship. It’s hard to accept and thinking it should be me. But thinking logically at the first place he never liked me on the first place. It’s still my choice to assume that there is a chance and hoping that he will like me. It’s been a lot of months I cried missing him to the point my mood base on him. I should forgive myself allowing that and accept the reality. It’s the first time that I felt the care for someone. Now, it’s not the excuse to moving forward for myself.